Music Nights

Music nights at The Olive Tree in 2024

Last year we held a number of live music nights to entertain you whilst dining and we really had some fabulous acts.

In 2024 we are limiting the music to 1 Saturday per month and bringing back the very best of who we had.

Dates and artists can be found below, bios can be found here

February 17th

Davide Sittinieri & Paul Malsom

March 23rd

Tom Remon & Sid Jacobs

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April 27th

Steve Brookes

May 25th

Shaun Hudson

Jun 22nd

Debbie C

Jul 20th

Stefan Kotlarz

Aug 3rd

Steve Brookes (3pm)

Sept 21st

Paul Armer

Oct 26t

Steve Brookes

Nov 23rd

Dec 14th

Debbie C (Christmas set)

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